Monday, February 1, 2010

You ate what?!

After enduring 2 parties, a night of babysitting, and the baking of 6 dozen brownies, I toppled off the bandwagon. I ate sweets.

Today was the second intern bake sale. We peddled our "extra in your ordinary" baked goods for all we were worth and at the end of the day had quite a few left overs. It seems the general public is frightened at the prosepect of beets in their cupcakes and zuchini in their brownies. (Although, we did have a few converts!) And so, there I was staring at our leftover treats when I decided to pick up a carrot cake muffin with crumb topping. Delicious. I proceded to try one of each of our other products as well, but that's beside the point.

The point is, it was one day. One slip up. All is not lost. It's tempting in this battle for weight and health to engage in all our nothing thinking. "I already blew it, so I might as well just go all out and REALLY blow it." You know the thought? I'm convinced that mentality leads only to discouragment and a stomachache.

The new plan: Savor the treat, wipe clean the slate, and devise a strategy for future temptation. FYI, research says cravings only last 15 minutes. Ride it out with a book, a walk, or a call to a friend.

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