Thursday, February 4, 2010

eye on the prize.

As in every phase of life, there comes a breaking point. There must be an equation somewhere that states you can only do so much in a certain amount of time. I am struggling to beat this equation but unfortunately time is winning. My head runs through never ending to-do lists throughout the day. I guess that is the life of an intern. 3 months to go...

j&j updates

jo: in her management rotation. We both agree that management is a difficult rotation because often management is learned best when performed. So Jo is doing a lot of listening ...

julie: in my school food service rotation. Dana and I have been through numerous schools ranging from kindergarden to high school. It was nostalgic to be back in high school.... Being the Catholic, all girl high school, it is still weird for me to be in the halls with them. The boys were very vocal of how excited they were for us to be their new "pretty lunch ladies." Dana and i QUICKLY assured them this was a one time deal. I realized how passionate I am about changing school lunches for the better. Dietitians work through SC to design menus, strategize nutritional ideas, damage control kitchen

jo: enjoyed an evening at Krista's watching a movie after a long day at work. They fell asleep around 8 oclock, mid movie... please refer back to first paragraph of this post.

julie: dana and I attended the South Carolina Sysco food service convention. We entered an enormous assembly room of about 100 food sample stations advertising their products to food service companies. We walked around in awe... sampling, eating, chatting, eating, and more eating. Our amazement must have been apparent because vendors kept asking if we were newbies. It was truly amazing.

yes, good things...
but also hypercaloric intake

homemade pasta
dad, how can we make these shapes?!

classic julie crab picture.
crab FINGERS (not claws)


NOT beautiful!

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