Monday, March 29, 2010


Guilty Confession: I do not drink milk.

I'm sure my mother and dietitians everywhere are cringing as they read this shameful statement. I preach about the need for calcium in a healthy diet yet I NEVER drink milk. I do regularly eat nonfat yogurt, greek yogurt, and string cheeses to get my calcium.

During my grocery store trip yesterday, I walked by the milk aisle and stopped. I stared at the assortment of milks: regular, soy, chocolate, goats, kefir, etc. with the wheels in my head turning. I heard myself saying to patients, "you should consume at least 1200 mg of calcium a day".

Decision made - I was buying milk.
Dilemma - what kind?!

Jo keeps a constant supply of Silk Vanilla and Silk Chocolate in our fridge. She's a soon to be dietitian, so I should probably buy the same!

I walked out of Publix with a small Silk Very Vanilla. If it is in my fridge, I am bound to drink it. It does not taste bad! Last night I incorporated it into a milkshake. Delicious! I even took some swigs of it this morning before class.

What's the difference between regular cows milk and soy milk?
Soy milk is made from vegetable proteins (soy beans) whereas cows milk is made from animal protein. Soy milk does not contain lactose. Jo is sensitive to lactose, so Silk is great for her digestive tract.

1 serving of Silk provide - 30% of the recommended daily intake of calcium and 6 g protein

Jo highly recommends the Silk Chocolate to curb your chocolate cravings. She enjoys a glass after her daily run.

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