Monday, December 7, 2009

on the john

Today I was in the bathroom at the hospital, when I noticed a sign that said, "On the John Training." It then proceded to give some lesson in increasing patient satisfaction which I failed to retain. So, not necessarily effective but definitely clever enough to blog about.

Julie and I both gave our case study presentations this afternoon. Needless to say we are both breathing a BIG sigh of relief! I vote we both resist the temptation to review our planners for the next task at hand, and just take an evening to bask in the victory.

Tomorrow marks the first day of my last week of outpatient clinical rotations. The next two weeks will be filled with staff-relief prep and the actual staff relief. Julie has 2 more weeks of outpatient rotations before heading home for a looong and much deserved holiday break. Is anyone else looking around wondering when the last 4 months passed us by? It's almost Christmas? Really?!?

Wednesday Julie and I are hosting our second dinner party for the interns. It's finally cold here! Cold as in 50 degrees...try no to be jealous. Anyway, cold enough to be considered soup weather. I'm in search of a good recipe, possibly a tomato basil? All suggestions welcome! Julie will be making her mother's famous corn pudding which she refuses to call pudding, but rather "a really moist, kinds of spongy, almost bread." I'm not sure what that means, but I'm sure it's delicious!

I think that may be about it for the updates. Like I said, we both gave our case study presentations today. We've been eating, breathing, and dreaming those things, minus the large amount of time I've spent refining my procrastination skills...


  1. Hello girls :)
    You two are such an inspiration to me as I plan on studying dietetics in 2011. Discovered your blog & had a read through it! I'm just hoping dietitians are still as important in the future.

    Tomato&Basil sounds perfect, I practically live off soup in winter ;)
    A great roasted tomato & basil soup

  2. Thanks, Claire! This recipe looks FABULOUS! I will certainly try it out. Also, I think dietitians will be even more important in the future :) It's a great field. Good luck!

