Thursday, December 10, 2009

A hidden monster

Last week I had the pleasure of attending my second cousins birthday party. Yes, I have family in Charleston, but our busy lives as 20 and 30 something-year-olds has prolonged our first official get together. It is always fun to see family members I have not seen since I was an awkward looking middle schooler. As we chatted, I explained my experiences as a dietetic intern. My aunt explained her concern about her recent lipid profile, specifically her high cholesterol level. Just for a mental image... we are talking about a beautiful, size 4, energetic, athletic woman in her 50's. She is probably the last person you'd pin with high cholesterol. She is the perfect example of how heart disease can be a hidden monster. While talking, we discussed altering her food choices as a trial to see if her cholesterol can be lowered through nutrition therapy, using medication as a last resort.

I look at my own parents - both eating out of the same fridge, cooking the same meals, and eating dinner together for the past 25 years. As a future RD, I would give them an A+ for good eating habits (duh- they made me!). My dad has high cholesterol that he treats while my mother hasn't had any problems. High cholesterol can be due to a series of factors - diet, exercise, and family genes. It is easy to forget about taking care of your insides Just because you look youthful and "healthy" on the outside.

As they say - knowledge is power.
Go to your doctor. Do your research. Be proactive.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about this! I actually heard a doctor speak during October (Breast Cancer Awareness month) and she said that many women don't perform self exams because they are afraid to know . . . but just because you aren't aware of a problem doesn't mean it's not going to affect you! Preventative screenings are powerful tools, and we should all take advantage of them.
