Friday, November 27, 2009

Tradition (see fiddler on the roof)

Thanksgiving reflections by Johanna:

In alot of ways, my family's Thanksgiving is like the majority of American family's. We eat waaay to much turkey and dressing, we watch football, we chit chat about life's happenings since last Thanksgiving, and we all catch a good long nap. But then again, I dare say we are NOTHING like most American families. As we "watch" football, we realize this is the first NFL game any of us have seen since last Thanksgiving! When we gather around the table, instead of praying, we sing the doxology..and everyone weeps. And as we chit chat, the conversation always comes back to thanksgiving, not so much for the turkey, but for the life we have been given. This has not been an easy year for our family, yet it has been one of blessing and divine provision.

This Thanksgiving my dad had a vision and was determined to bring it to fruition. So, after dinner the whole family gathered around the piano and sang hymns(It would seem my dad has a hymnal for every year of pastoring). The tender moment made me thankful for the tradition of faith and service to the Lord's work that has always been so central in my family.

My "cousin-sister" Emily, also had a vision. Two years ago Jovan Rebolledo joined our family when he married my cousin Keely. It was rumored Jovan has some mad salsa skills, and Emily was determined not to let an educational opportunity pass us by. So, after we closed the hymnals, Jovan was kind enough (and patient enough) to give the WHOLE family salsa lessons. My sweet dad and uncle learning to salsa was without a doubt the most entertaining thing that has happened this year.

I realized in that moment that this year has changed us. Hardship and loss have a way of making you reprioritize and take life more seriously, we don't miss an opportunity to reflect on life's blessings and give thanks to our Heavely Father. Hardship also has a way of making the light-hearted moments once taken for granted so, so sweet.

(Pictures to come!)

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