Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time flys when you're having fun!

One month ago today Julie updated our blog. I believe that calls for an apology to you, our loyal readers. Perhaps we flatter ourselves and you have not been terribly distrought over the lack of jandjintern updates. Regardless, I assure you that I am back at the computer with a renewed committment to this little cyberspace venture.
So, for a quick recap. In the last month Julie and I both began our pediatric rotations, we splurged and purchased wireless, we turned on our heat in the apartment (I was a bit heated over the temperature drop which Julie only acknowledged as "a bit chilly"), Julie has officially replaced her frozen yogurt obession with Sonic diet cherry limeades (I take full responsibility for that one), my parents came to town and I was completely spoiled and refreshed by their company, Kentucky beat Auburn for the first time since 1966, Julie is bringing back classic Hollywood with bright red lipstick and pulls it off like no one else can, and gone are the days of no homework.

All and all it's been a good month. We have established routine and are learning to manage our time while still managing to have fun. There is always time for fun, even if it is a quick trip to Sonic...or Starbucks :) We are so spoiled by our sweet friends and family that keep us supplied with giftcards for that much needed caffeine fix!

This month certainly had it's challenges, though. Julie and I were both becoming quite confindent in our clinical abilities, working largely independently of our preceptors. We found pediatrics to be a bit of a blow to our self esteem. Working with babies so tiny is a completely different ball game! The recommendations, calculations and measurements, and the products used are all different. Suddenly we were not writing notes without critique or approaching charts confident we could find the necessary information. Academic challenge was met with increased emotional demand. Somehow it is a little harder to walk into an ICU lined with cribs instead of beds or to watch a mother standing over a child who can't understand pain or to watch a child surrounded by IVs but no parent. These days I leave the hospital acutely aware of what a fragile blessing life and health really are.

Ok, bedtime. That will have to suffice for a months worth of updating. Stay tuned for old details and new stories!

The Girls enjoying a night on the town! 

Oysters, the 1 food John Brandon might actually refuse!

I tackled my first bunch of collards. It's a right of passage. I'm afraid I refused to use bacon fat, thus failing to be a true southerner.

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