Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today there was fudge in the RD office. I reasoned the endorphins released by chocolate consumption would probably make for a better work day so I indulged. I then decided I should probably take the stairs. So, I huffed it from the 1st to 5th floor at which point I realized, the 5th floor landing was maintenance only. So, I walked back down to the 4th floor, found a new set of stairs and walked to the 5th floor (I've heard many a person mocked for taking an elevator up one flight of stairs and was not about to be the butt of THAT joke). Once on the 5th floor I attempted to give a diet education...note to self: don't try to give diet education while huffing and puffing. It puts a damper on your credibility. I imagine the sight of a "healt professional" in a blue plastic smock and duck mask, sweating profusely also puts a damper on their credibility. It's in these moments I imagine the view from a hospital bed and chuckle.

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